I love salt dough because it’s easier to make and you can let it harden and keep your creations forever...almost.

Salt dough beads are fabulous for little hands to work on developing their fine motor skills.
You probably already have all the ingredients in your pantry.
All you’ll need is
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup warm water
Chopsticks or skewers
Mix the flour and salt together.
Then gradually add the water, you might not all off it.
Mix until the dough comes together, it should feel a bit firmer than playdough.
You can then pinch pieces of the dough and roll it into shapes then poke it through your chopsticks/skewers to create a hole.
After making your beads you can let them dry overnight. Or if you want them sooner you can bake them in the oven at 275-300 degrees fahrenheit for 30 mins.
How to extend the activity ?
Paint the beads
You can use the beads you make to introduce patterning.
Sorting, you can encourage your child to practice their sorting skills by sorting the beads you make into multiple variables for example by size, colour shape etc.